Since 2018, we have reignited the effort to alleviate suffering and raise human consciousness through Master Choa Kok Sui’s (MCKS) School in the Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont area.


Our Mission

A Pranic healer in every home

We’d like to bring MCKS Pranic Healing to every home in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Pranic Healing® is the art and science of natural healing or energy healing. It is a highly evolved and tested form of energy medicine. This “no-touch” healing modality is a comprehensive system of natural healing techniques based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself.

meditation on twin hearts - loving kindness

We’d like to introduce Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont to practice the will to do good. This is a 21-minute guided meditation aimed for peace and illumination as a service to the world by blessing the entire earth with harmony, peace, and loving-kindness. It is a simple yet powerful meditation introduced by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui for achieving cosmic consciousness or what we often call "illumination." Meditation on Twin Hearts is practiced by millions of people worldwide. When more people come together to bring Divine energies to the city or country there will be transformation in the city, country and its people.

Arhatic Yoga practice

We’d like to introduce Arhatic Yoga to the people of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont. MCKS has said, “When A person develops the people around you develop to a certain degree.” The purpose of Arhatic Yoga is to produce intelligent, compassionate, good-hearted and powerful people who may be of greater service to humanity and Planet Earth. Therefore the more people who practice Arhatic Yoga more people will grow and develop. "Arhatic" is derived from "arhat," describing a highly evolved being or what we call saint and "yoga" which means union. It is based on the synthesis of various yogic techniques with a strong emphasis on character building. It embodies the 7 yogas: Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Laya/Kundalini yoga, Jnana yoga, Bhakti yoga, Mantra yoga and simplified Hatha Yoga.